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Showing posts from April 24, 2016

DEVCHULI temple ... the identity of tharu community

DEVCHULI temple is one of the main temple of tharu communitiy of Nepal which is located at Pragatinagar, Devchuli municipality, Nawalparasi district of Nepal. It is located at the top of northern mountain from terai region of Nawalparasi,Nepal. Thousands of people from Nepal and SAARC countries visit this place. This temple is located at the beautiful scenarios of hill and mountains, So, people visit this place for cultural aspects as well as for their adventure hiking to the mountains. Hiking for the temple area is really an adventure and loving to the nature. The scene from the area of devchuli temple to the terai region is amazing. View from devchuli temple area    The tharu, magar, brahamn and other communities of Nepal visit this temple area. Specially during Ram Naw ami festival, thousand of people visit this temple for their future and prosper life. During this festival people along with pujari(the priest of temple) hike from terai region of Nepal.