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An incredible trip to tharu villages in Nepal

The tharus are the historical inhabitants of the terai region of Nepal. They are the creator of cultural heritage, traditional and living style. So, most of the tourists who come to Nepal, they visit tharu villages and jungle safari in chitwan national park in order to know about their culture, tradition and life style. Here are some incredible features of tharu home stay in Nepal.
  • Tharu Home culture program
It is a cultural program in which tharu males uses dholak(drum), latthi(stick), thekara(stick dance), etc  to sing and dance .specially this dance is performed during a festivals like faguwa(festival of colors). Jhamta dance is another popular dance in tharu community where a group of tharuni(tharu women) sing a song and dance. This jhamta dance is organized in a festival called jeetiya.
  • Tharu fishing program
The tharu are indigenous tribe of Nepal. Here mostly tharus of chitwan and nawalparasi have their own culture and traditions, religion, languages and life style. Among  them fishing is an inevitable cultural   of   tharu. It   is   regarded as the    gift (token of love)   in tharu culture and fish dishs are compulsory in each and every festivals of this community.
  • House decoration
The tharus have their own style houses and lifestyle. They decorate their houses and color them in an especially  festival  called soharai   (festivals of light), in this festivals mud and cow dung are mixed along with water to plaster their house which is made from mud and wood. They draw different arts in their house wall and make them attractive.
  • Tharu ladies heena tattoos
Henna is a type of  temporary tattoo   used during the festival season by  the females of  tharu community. This are carved in hands and legs. It is also practical during marriage ceremonies.
  • Nature walk and collection of wild vegetables
Long time ago tharu people live in jungle. Tharus used to obtained foods and vegetables from the jungle. They are familiar with jungle and wild life. So tharu guides are used to guide the tourist in nature walk through jungle. Ladies can pick vegetables and groceries from the nature to make dish and served to their guest in traditional way.
  • OX field ploughing
Har(OX field ploughing) is design in traditional way with naturally gained knowledge and experience which is used to plough with two oxes. It was used before the entry of modern machinery tractors. It is used to plough the fields for the planting of paddy, wheat, mustards and many more plants.
  • To learn tharu handicrafts
Tharu women are  expert in making  various  kinds of  handicrrafts  items like  cap, handkerchief, bamboo tape, bamboo choin, daily and others . These handicrafts items are used for house purpose hold as well  as for decoration for home. You can learn the  guidance to learn  tharu handicraft by visiting their villages.
  • To learn making chichar and roti
Roti is made of rice flour which is prepared during tihar festival(festival of light) with special looks and delicious. It is made by mixing wheat and flour, giving them specific shape and steaming in hot water. Another dish’s is  chichar which is prepared by using rice called anadi with boiling water for some half  an hour. This is most   special dish prepared by tharu   community during maghi festival.
  • To learn making of modha (tharu wine)
Modha is a type of wine prepared by tharu community occasionally in different is made of a rice, wheat, beaten rice etc also it uses the fermentation of raw materials which are mixed together.
  • Nature walk in jungle
Nature walk is most popular event of  tharu  village. The  people  of tharu  community  in  chitwan national park guides to the tourist for nature walk through jungle. It is and  advantures walk. In this jungle there are different types of wild life like rhinos, tigers, reptiles, deer elephant, wild buffalo and many more. So it is an attraction for the tourist who come to visit Nepal.
  • Visiting bees hazari lake
It is located at the chitwan national park corridor area which is 8km away from bharatpur, chitwan. It is immerged with  a  various  small lakes that   creates a beautiful   environment to its surroundings. During the lake visit we can see crocodiles, birds rhinos deer and many more wild life.
  • Elephant back safari in jungle
Most of the   famous program to be  involved during  sauraha vist  is  elephant  safari. It is really an adventures and a new experience  to visit jungle to see wild life. By riding elephant back you can see different wild life like rhinos , tigers, dear, wild boar, monkeys bird species and many more wild life. Most of the tharu community people are tourist guide in chitwan national park as well as mawhote (elephant safari guider)

Tourist in Chitwan national park - elephant back jungle safari

  • Jeep safari in jungle
The  jeep safari  inside  the  chitwan  national park starts from the entry point of the national park in sauraha. You will be driving the jeep through the national park on four wheeler license. It is really an adventures and a new experience  to visit jungle to see wild life. By riding elephant back you can see different wild life like rhinos , tigers, dear, wild boar, monkeys bird species and many more wild life. This is another way for jungle safari in chitwan national park.
So, you can visit tharu villages and chitwan national park of Nepal in order to know tharu culture, tradition and life style.


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